Procedure for a Demolition Request

Total Demolition Request

  1. For structures over 75 years old Town Bylaws require Historical Commission sign-off
  2. Contact the Historical Commission as early as possible to explore options
  3. Bring a completed Predetermination for a Demolition Application form to the next scheduled Historical Commission meeting
  4. Prior to approval of your demolition, you will be required to acquire a state approved historic inventory.  The Historical Commission will provide guidance on this.
  5. On receipt of a qualifying state inventory, and if the structure is not deemed historically significant, the Predetermination form will be delivered to the Building Commissioner
  6. For structures determined to be historically significant per the Demolition Delay Bylaw, you will be subject to a one-year delay to allow time to find a historically acceptable resolution
  7. Once a resolution is arrived at on or before expiration of the one-year delay, the Predetermination form will be delivered to the Building Commissioner

Partial Demolition Request

  1. If your structure is over 75 years old Town Bylaws require Historical Commission sign-off
  2. Contact the Historical Commission to discuss partial demolition or significant exterior rework
  3. Bring a completed Predetermination for a Demolition Application form to the next scheduled Historical Commission meeting
  4. Once approved, the Predetermination form will be delivered to the Building Commissioner


Predetermination for a Demolition Application form

Chapter 16-2 Demolition Delay Bylaw

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